
Vad hande med Margot Frank?

Vad hände med Margot Frank?

Anne och Margot Frank deporterades i slutet av oktober 1944 till koncentrationslägret Bergen-Belsen. Till följd av miserabla hygieniska förhållanden utbröt under vintern 1944-1945 en tyfusepidemi som dödade tusentals fångar, däribland Anne och Margot.

Vad dog Margot Frank av?

Margot deporterades i slutet av oktober 1944 till koncentrationslägret Bergen-Belsen tillsammans med sin syster Anne. Där dog de båda i en tyfusepidemi.

How is Margot different from Anne Frank?

Margot was a quiet, obedient child, who always kept her clothes neat and clean, unlike her younger sister. She was considered the more beautiful and the more intelligent of the two, and Anne resented her for this sometimes, as she notes in her diary.

What is Margot Frank best known for?

Margot Frank is best known as ‘the sister of Anne’, forever standing in her shadow. The image that we have of her is mainly based on Anne’s critical view.

How old was Margot Frank when she moved to Holland?

Character Analysis Margot Frank. Margot was three years older than Anne so was probably more aware of the family’s move from Germany to Holland, which took place when she was seven years old.

What happened to Margot Frank’s diary?

Margot’s deportation order from the Gestapo hastened the Frank family into hiding. According to the diary of her younger sister, Anne, Margot kept a diary of her own, but no trace of Margot’s diary has ever been found. She died in Bergen-Belsen. Jeker School in Amsterdam – The Elementary School of Margot Frank.

Vad gjorde Anne Frank under andra världskriget?

Hon blev internationellt känd för sin dagbok, som skildrar hennes upplevelser under den tyska ockupationen av Nederländerna under andra världskriget….Anne Frank[redigera | redigera wikitext]

Nationalitet tysk till 1941 statslös från 1941
Framstående verk Anne Franks dagbok (1947)

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