
Vilken religion ar vanligast i Pakistan?

Vilken religion är vanligast i Pakistan?

Islam är själva förutsättningen för Pakistans existens. Landet grundades 1947 för att skapa ett hem för de muslimer som levde i kolonialtidens Indien. Numera råder starka religiösa motsättningar i samhället, dels mellan shia- och sunnimuslimer, dels mellan fundamentalister och mer toleranta riktningar.

Vilken religion är störst i Pakistan?

Majoriteten av befolkningen är hanafitiska muslimer, 95–97 procent av invånarna är muslimer. De flesta muslimer i Pakistan är sunnimuslimer (80-90%).

What is the Constitution of Pakistan of 1956?

Constitution of Pakistan of 1956. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Jump to navigation Jump to search. 1956 draft of the Pakistani Constitution. The Constitution of 1956 was the fundamental law of Pakistan from March 1956 until the 1958 Pakistani coup d’état. It was the first constitution adopted by independent Pakistan.

What is the Constituent Constitution of 1956?

Constitution of 1956 is a written constitution. Constitution of 1956 is a detailed constitution including 234 articles divided into 13 parts and 6 schedules. It was the largest constitution of the world at that time. Constitution of 1956 was based on a preamble.

Who presides over the cabinet in Pakistan?

The cabinet was presided over by the Prime Minister. The Constitution declared that there would be only one house of parliament known as the National Assembly and equality between the two Wings (i.e. East Pakistan and West Pakistan) was maintained in it.

How did Pakistan become a federation?

With the implementation of this constitution, Pakistan became a federation. Constitution of 1956 is a written constitution. Constitution of 1956 is a detailed constitution including 234 articles divided into 13 parts and 6 schedules. It was the largest constitution of the world at that time. Constitution of 1956 was based on a preamble.

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