
What is a mcdojo?

What is a mcdojo?

The definition of a ”McDojo” is a martial arts school that is solely established to make money instead of genuinely teaching martial arts.

How to tell if a martial art school is a mcdojo?

If the school advertises a certain martial art that traditionally (or at least officially recognized) does not have rankings or belt levels, then watch out, they may be a McDojo. In arts such as Kung Fu, Muay Thai, or Boxing – there does not exist any known rankings, coloured shorts, sashes, or belts.

Do you have a mcdojo if you don’t take Ameri-do-Te?

You have a McDojo if you are not taking Ameri-do-te. All other martial arts are bull$hit. Reply TRTKD February 7, 2013 at 9:30 am Ameri-do-te ROCKS!!! All other martial arts are BULL$H!T!

What is ATA Taekwondo?

ATA makes WTF TaeKwondo look like magic as it is a tragic union of watered down karate and corrupt American capitalist business practices. Gawdy uniforms, easy ranks and contracts are just a small portion of the ugliness the ATA has injected into martial arts. This is the very image of a McDojo.

What is a McDojo? I’ve seen a lot of martial arts in my time and I trained in a stinkload of dojos and one term that always pops up is “McDojo”. To make matters worse, the term is almost universally used by uneducated Philistines with only a rudimentary understanding of the English language and only basic knowledge of martial arts in general.

Can a mcdojo™ challenge you?

That’s why a McDojo™ can only challenge you up to a certain point. After that, it’s only quantity – never quality. 10 more techniques. 20 more techniques. 30 more techniques. Instead of, say, 3 effective ways to improve your previous techniques!

What makes a dojo legit?

Let’s go! In a legit dojo, sharing of knowledge always comes first. Always. Money comes second. Smart practice, super hard training and steady progress are the fundamental cornerstones in the teaching philosophy of a great dojo. Not how fat your wallet is.

Why did you leave the karate dojo?

BUT, if he was so awesome then why did I leave? Plenty of reasons. It is here so karate-ka mentally short circuit because leaving a dojo in many ways is an attack on their pastime. It is personal.

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