
What is Chow Chow?

What is Chow Chow?

Chow chow was born out of an effort to preserve the bounty of summer produce growing in the backyard, including tomatoes, bell peppers, onions, and more. As you’ll see, chow chow can look very different depending on where you are.

What fruits and vegetables did meme and Dede make Chow Chow with?

The fruit and vegetables can vary from recipe to recipe, and can include green tomatoes, sweet peppers, onions, cabbage, carrots, and cucumber. Since Meme and Dede had a pear tree in their yard, they made chow-chow with pears. When I called Aunt Louise to ask for this recipe, she started reciting, “A peck of pears, peeled,…

How long does it take for a chow chow to grow?

Physically, these dogs grow rapidly in height and length for the first 8-9 months, then those growth rates slow some while the adolescent puppy ”fills out” by gaining muscle mass and fat; Chows are usually at their full size by about 16 months of age.

How do I get my Chow Chow to calm down?

When indoors, it’s a good idea to give your Chow Chow access to one or more balls or chew-toys so it can release pent-up energy, if it has any. It’s also recommended that you have a consistent daily exercise schedule for your Chow, such as walks after breakfast and dinner and a play period in the afternoon.

This pickled condiment is a Southern staple This pickled condiment can be eaten by itself or used to top dishes for some added tang, crunch and salt. For many in the Carolinas, chow chow is as much of a mealtime staple as barbecue sauce. TODAY Illustration / Alamy

What kind of ruff does a chow chow have?

• He has a thick ruff around his shoulders, often described as a lion’s-mane ruff. • Unlike other breeds, such as the Samoyed, which always seem to be smiling, the Chow Chow has a unique scowling expression that’s a hallmark of the breed.

What to do with Chow Chow relish?

Try chow-chow! Mix some relish with mayonnaise for a homemade tarter sauce. Mix some hot chow-chow relish with sour cream or cream cheese to make a dip. A topping on grilled fish or salmon. Mixed with rice to provide a little zest.

What kind of tongue does a chow chow have?

• Almost unique among mammals, the Chow’s tongue and mouth tissue are a dark blue-black. This is so important to the breed that any other tongue color is disqualified under the breed standard. • He has a thick ruff around his shoulders, often described as a lion’s-mane ruff.

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