
Hur lange pagick slaveriet?

Hur länge pågick slaveriet?

Den transatlantiska slavhandeln, som varade i 400 år, anses ha varit ett brott mot mänskligheten. Omkring 12 miljoner män, kvinnor och barn såldes som slavar och transporterades och lagrades som varor under däck på fartyg som åkte från Afrika till kolonierna i Nord- och Sydamerika.

Hur bodde slavarna i USA?

Män, kvinnor och barn tvingades till tungt slavarbete från morgon till kväll på plantagerna. Här arbetar slavar på sockerrörsfälten. Under 1700-talet ökade antalet slavar som köptes och såldes explosionsartat i takt med att man behövde ännu mer billig arbetskraft i Västindien och Amerika.

Why did the British indentured servants come to India?

Under colonial rule, India’s population provided the British Empire with a ready source of cheap and mobile labourers. Many Indians agreed to become indentured labourers to escape the widespread poverty and famine in the 19th century. Some travelled alone; others brought their families to settle in the colonies they worked in.

Why did the demand for indentured labourers increase after 1834?

The demand for Indian indentured labourers increased dramatically after the abolition of slavery in 1834. They were sent, sometimes in large numbers, to plantation colonies producing high value crops such as sugar in Africa and the Caribbean.

Where can I find information about Indian indentured labourers in Mauritius?

Use the Colonial Office General Department’s original correspondence on immigration in CO 571 for information about the entry of Indian indentured labourers into Mauritius and the West Indies.

What was the role of indentured labour in the British Empire?

Under colonial rule, India’s population provided the British Empire with a ready source of cheap and mobile labourers. Many Indians agreed to become indentured labourers to escape the widespread poverty and famine in the 19th century.

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