
Hur lange vaxer Devon Rex?

Hur länge växer Devon Rex?

För allergiker kan Devon Rex vara ett alternativ då en hel del allergiker tål dem. Det är dock individuellt och inte en garanti att du tål en mer allergivänlig katt….Mer information.

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What does a Devon Rex look like?

The Devon Rex has an unusual appearance. The head is triangular and the nose appears to change direction right below the eyes. The eyes are large and the ears are extremely large, set low on the head with a wide base.

What kind of personality does a Devon Rex cat have?

An active, energetic breed, the Devon Rex enjoys delighting her parent with playful performances rewarded with loving attention. The Devon should never be brushed because her fur is too fragile. An adult Devon Rex is a medium-sized cat, although the head looks large and the chest is broad.

Do Devon Rex cats purr?

The Devon Rex is an active, energetic breed. She is truly a little clown and will delight her parent by giving enchanting playful performances. For this, of course, the Devon expects to be thanked with pets and loving attention and will return affection with purring. The Devon is a jumper, so cat trees and perches should be provided for exercise.

How did the Devon Rex cat get its name?

This cat was names Kirlee and he became famous as the beginning of the breed known as the Devon Rex. At first, breeders believed that the curly coat of both the Cornish Rex and the Devon Rex might be related and the two could be bred to each other.

What is a Cornish Rex cat?

Strikingly unusual and surprisingly elegant, the Cornish Rex cat is a curly-coated cat breed with a reputation for being an active, sociable member of the family. These cats are the result of a natural mutation in the 1950s in Cornwall, England, but today are a popular cat breed in the United States.

Is my Cornish Rex getting too heavy?

The Cornish Rex is an athletic cat and will maintain her ideal weight if provided with enough space for exercise. Thanks to the close lying nature of the coat, you can easily tell if a Cornish is getting too heavy.

When did the Cornish Rex come to the US?

In 1957, a breeding pair of Cornish rex that was directly related to Kallibunker was imported into the United States. The Cornish rex was officially recognized in the United States in 1967 and has since become more popular in the United States than it is in England.

What kind of personality does a Cornish Rex have?

About the Cornish Rex The Cornish Rex is a study in curves, with curly coat, curved profile, large expressive ears, and Whippetlike arched bodies. In spite of their sophisticated, elegant appearance, they are anything but cool, aloof, or dignified. They are affectionate, people-oriented, and active cats whose kitten-like antics last a lifetime.

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