Hur tänker och agerar Narcissister?
Narcissisten å sin sida är aldrig nöjd eller tillfreds med sig själv. Och har som största drivkraft att få andra att tycka att han eller hon är överlägsen. När narcissisten känner sig beundrad blir han eller hon stolt och upprymd. Men vid minsta motstånd eller ifrågasättande tar skammen över.
Hur är en narcissistisk person?
En narcissist har orealistiskt höga tankar om sig själv – man anser sig vara bättre än ”vanliga” människor och tycker sig ha rätt till särskilda förmåner. Narcissistiska personlighetsdrag är ganska vanliga och behöver inte innebära något stort problem.
What is the Narcissistic Personality Inventory?
This is an interactive version of the Narcissistic Personality Inventory. Introduction: Narcissism in personality trait generally conceived of as excessive self love. In Greek mythology Narcissus was a man who fell in love with his reflection in a pool of water.
Is the NPI a good measure of narcissism?
The NPI is not intended for use in diagnosing Narcissistic personality disorder. Rather, it is often said to measure ”normal” or ”subclinical” (borderline) narcissism (i.e., in people who score very high on the NPI do not necessarily meet all criteria for diagnosis with NPD).
Is narcissism a trait?
Introduction: Narcissism in personality trait generally conceived of as excessive self love. In Greek mythology Narcissus was a man who fell in love with his reflection in a pool of water. The NPI was developed by Raskin and Hall (1979) for the measurement of narcissism as a personality trait in social psychological research.
Which model of narcissism best fits your personality?
The results showed that the five-factor model proposed by Ackerman et al. had the best model fit in both response formats and that a distinction between adaptive (Leadership, Vanity, and Superiority) and some aspects of maladaptive (Manipulativeness and Exhibitionism) narcissism factors could be established.