
Vad ar en bra D-vitamin niva?

Vad är en bra D-vitamin nivå?

D-vitaminstatus Värdet varierar med årstid (solexponering) och kostintag. Det finns inget konsensus kring optimalt D-vitaminstatus. IOM (Institut of Medicine) anser att tillräcklig nivå är om 25(OH)D ligger > 50 nmol/L, medan American Endocrine Society rekommenderar gränsvärde på 75 nmol/L (30 ng/ml).

Vilken D-vitamin ska man välja?

Bäst i test: Healthwell Vitamin D3 5000 IE Med Heatlhwell Vitamin D3 får du ett kosttillskott som innehåller hela 5000 IE D-vitamin i varje tablett. Det räcker alltså med en tablett för att täcka dagsbehovet. En burk på 120 kapslar räcker då i fyra månader och priset per dag blir bara drygt 1 kr.

What is the tolerable upper intake level (UL) for vitamin D?

Currently, the tolerable upper intake level (UL) in Europe and the US is set at 2000 International Units (IU), equivalent to 50 micrograms per day. However, recent research, particularly from clinical trials, suggests that this should be raised. The CRN scientists state that this could be raised to 10,000 IU (250 micrograms per day).

What is the safe upper limit of vitamin D3?

Experts Recommend Vitamin D 10,000 IU Upper Limit. The tolerable upper intake level for oral vitamin D3 should be increased five-fold, experts from the US-based Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN) have said after a review of the science. The risk assessment provides companies with a guide for safe upper levels for product formulations,…

Is vitamin D safer than we thought?

“This risk assessment was needed to show that newer evidence supports the conclusion that vitamin D is much safer then previously thought, particularly because of all the emergence research that shows benefit for vitamin D at higher levels than consumers were traditionally taking,” lead author John Hathcock said.

Should oral vitamin D3 intake be increased fivefold?

The tolerable upper intake level for oral vitamin D3 should be increased five-fold, experts from the US-based Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN) have said after a review of the science.

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