Vad är kronisk blodcancer?
Kronisk leukemi Sjukdomen uppstår i en blodstamcell och påverkar bildningen av så väl röda som vita blodkroppar och blodplättar. Vid kronisk lymfatisk leukemi, KLL, är det lymfocyternas bildning som rubbas. Ungefär 500 fall per år diagnostiseras. KLL klassificeras av WHO som ett lymfom.
Vad är Myeloiska celler?
Myeloiska celler är vita blodkroppar som har sitt ursprung i benmärgen. Dessa är granulocyt, monocyt och megakaryocyt. En störning i utmognaden av de myeloiska cellerna ligger bakom den vanligaste formen av blodcancer hos vuxna, akut myeloisk leukemi.
Should imatinib be used to treat CML?
The argument for using imatinib in CML June 2018 was the 20th anniversary of the clinical use of the first tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI), imatinib, for chronic myeloid leukemia. Since then, the change in prognosis for patients with this disease is one of the major success stories of modern cancer medicine.
What is imatinib (imatinib)?
Imatinib was the first signal transduction inhibitor (STI), used in a clinical setting. It prevents a BCR-ABL protein from exerting its role in the oncogenic pathway in chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). Imatinib directly inhibits the constitutive tyrosine kinase activity.
How does imatinib inhibit tyrosine kinase?
Imatinib directly inhibits the constitutive tyrosine kinase activity. Imatinib binds to BCR-ABL kinase domain by preventing the transfer of a phosphate group to tyrosine on the protein substrate and the subsequent activation of phosphorylated protein.
What is the rate of cytogenetic response to imatinib?
Cytogenetic and Molecular Responses. In the imatinib group, the cumulative rate of major cytogenetic response at the end of the trial was 89.0%, and the rate of complete cytogenetic response at the end of the trial was 82.8% (Table S10 in the Supplementary Appendix).