
Vad ar Mediekunnighet?

Vad är Mediekunnighet?

Medie- och informationskunnighet är ofta fokuserad kring digitala medier men de fysiska medierna är minst lika viktiga. I den här övningen får eleverna undersöka bokens olika nycklar, dvs de delar i boken som guidar vår läsning.

What are the NCTE and IRA standards?

NCTE/IRA Standards for the English Language Arts These standards are designed to complement other national, state, and local standards and contribute to ongoing discussions about English language arts. Standards for the Assessment of Reading and Writing These standards were originally published in 1994 by NCTE and IRA.

What are the NCTE language arts standards?

— Keith Gilyard, NCTE President, February 9, 2012 These standards are designed to complement other national, state, and local standards and contribute to ongoing discussions about English language arts. These standards were originally published in 1994 by NCTE and IRA. They were updated in 2009.

How do I contact NCTE for this year’s Convention?

We look forward to having you join us on the journey. If you have any questions at all regarding this year’s Convention, please contact our #NCTE21 staff team at [email protected]. Click here to read past #NCTE21 updates.

Is NCTE moving to a virtual event this fall?

After extensive discussion this week, the NCTE Executive Committee voted to transition to an entirely virtual event. Given the current state of the pandemic, moving fully online is the right, and necessary, decision for our community; however, it is not where we wanted to be this fall.

Den sociala mediekunnigheten handlar om att kunna skapa med medier, kunna skapa sociala relationer via medier samt kunna ta aktiv del i samhället via medier. För att kunna nå upp till den högsta nivån social mediekunnighet krävs det goda kunskaper i de alla de underliggande nivåerna i modellen.


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