
Vad kom FN s vapeninspektion fram till efter sin utredning?

Vad kom FN s vapeninspektion fram till efter sin utredning?

När det dessutom uppdagades att FN:s organ för vapeninspektion var infiltrerat av den amerikanska underrättelsetjänsten tvingades man riva upp inspektionen och tillsätta en ny. Den nya kommissionen för vapeninspektion hade en annan typ av organisation, och leddes av svensken Hans Blix.

Vad gör FN för att hjälpa Syrien?

I krig och katastrofer samarbetar FN- systemet och andra organisationer för att få fram humanitär hjälp så fort som möjligt. FN-organen är verksamma både inne i Syrien och med assistans åt dem som lämnat landet och i dag lever i något av Syriens grannländer, ute i dess sam- hällen eller i flyktingläger.

What did George W Bush do in the Persian Gulf War?

PRESIDENT GEORGE BUSH: Our objectives in the Persian Gulf are clear, our goals defined and familiar: Iraq must withdraw from Kuwait completely, immediately, and without condition. Kuwait’s legitimate government must be restored.

What did George H W Bush say about Kuwait?

This video file cannot be played. (Error Code: 102630) U.S. Pres. George H.W. Bush addressing Congress following Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait,… PRESIDENT GEORGE BUSH: Our objectives in the Persian Gulf are clear, our goals defined and familiar: Iraq must withdraw from Kuwait completely, immediately, and without condition.

Who is George HW Bush?

George H. W. Bush. George Herbert Walker Bush (born June 12, 1924) is an American politician who was the 41st President of the United States from 1989 to 1993 and the 43rd Vice President of the United States from 1981 to 1989. A member of the Republican Party, he was previously a congressman, ambassador, and Director of Central Intelligence.

Who was the National Security Advisor under George W Bush?

New Hampshire Governor John Sununu, a strong supporter of Bush during the 1988 campaign, became chief of staff. Brent Scowcroft was appointed as the National Security Advisor, a role he had also held under Ford. Map showing the division of East and West Germany until 1990, with Berlin in yellow.

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