
Vad ligger Aksum?

Vad ligger Aksum?

Aksum (eller Axum) är en gammal stad i regionen Tigray (Tigre) i norra Etiopien. Staden är ett religiöst centrum; huvudsäte för den etiopisk-ortodoxa kyrkan, och finns med på Unescos lista över världsarv.

Vilket land fanns Aksum?

I början av vår tideräkning växte Aksum fram som en regional stormakt, med centrum i nuvarande Etiopiens norra delar. På 300-talet blev det ett kristet rike.

Var ligger Ethiopia?

Etiopien – Geografi och klimat. Etiopien ligger på den utskjutande del av nordöstra Afrika som kallas Afrikas horn. Till ytan är landet två och en halv gånger så stort som Sverige. Etiopien domineras av ett höglandsområde och saknar kust sedan Eritrea blev självständigt 1993.

What does Aksum mean?

Aksum was the name of a city and a kingdom which is essentially modern-day northern Ethiopia (Tigray province) and Eritrea. Research shows that Aksum was a major naval and trading power from the 1st to the 7th centuries C.E.

What is the significance of the Aksum ruins?

They mark the location of the heart of ancient Ethiopia, when the Kingdom of Aksum was the most powerful state between the Eastern Roman Empire and Persia. The massive ruins, dating from between the 1st and the 13th century A.D., include monolithic obelisks, giant stelae, royal tombs and the ruins of ancient castles.

When did Aksum begin and end?

Aksum’s foundation is suggested to be as early as 300 BC. Very little is known of the time period between the mid-first millennium BC to the beginning of Aksum’s flourish, thought to be around the first century CE. There is little in common between the Aksumites and the earlier pre-Aksumite civilizations (Munro-Hay 1991, 4).

What did Aksum trade for weapons?

In exchange for Aksum’s goods, traders bid many kinds of cloth, jewelry, metals and steel for weapons. Aksum reached its highest power in the 3rd century AD when the Roman empire began to decline. Up to that time, the Roman empire was a major player in the trade economy of the Red Sea.

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