Vad växer i Indien?
I förhållandet till landets bruttonationalprodukt (BNP) minskar dock jordbrukets andel stadigt, på grund av landets breda ekonomiska tillväxt och att andra sektorer växer. Bland de största grödorna kan nämnas ris, vete, sockerbönor, te och bomull. Landet har också stora fruktodlingar, bland annat mango och bananer.
Vad producerar man i Indien?
De viktigaste grödorna är; ris, sockerrör (som man kan se kanta vägarna i princip hela norra Indien), vete, kokosnötter, baljväxter, jute, bomull, te (världens största producent), kaffe, kryddor (30% av världsmarknaden) och oljeväxter.
What is the flora and fauna of Rajasthan?
Rajasthan has a rich and varied flora and fauna. The natural vegetation is classed as Northern Desert Thorn Forest. These occur in small clumps scattered in a more or less open form. The density and size of patches increase from west to east following the increase in rainfall.
What kind of shrubs are found in Rajasthan?
Variety of shrubs and akaro (scientific name- calotropis precera) are also found in abundance. Since this is desert vegetation, the shrubs have a lot of thorns. Creeper, shrubs, herbs and bushes dot the shallow wetland landscape in Eastern Rajasthan.
What is the famous desert vegetable in Rajasthan?
It is considered as a delicacy in Rajasthan. Another popular desert vegetable is ker. Variety of shrubs and akaro (scientific name- calotropis precera) are also found in abundance. Since this is desert vegetation, the shrubs have a lot of thorns.
What are the physiographic regions of Rajasthan?
On the basis of physiographic, the state has been divided into four regions such as western desert, Aravalli hills, southern plateau and eastern plateau. Out of these four physiographic regions, western region (Thar Desert) is the largest region (70%) of Rajasthan with