
Vart kom Pocahontas ifran?

Vart kom Pocahontas ifrån?

Pocahontas kom från Werowocomoco där hennes far Wahunsonacock (även känd som Powhatan) residerade. Hennes riktiga namn var Matoaka; Pocahontas var bara ett smeknamn och betyder hon som är lekfull, bortskämt barn eller klar ström mellan två kullar.

Hur Pocahontas kom i kontakt med engelsmännen?

Paret Rolfe och deras tvåårige son kom till London sommaren 1616 tillsammans med elva andra indianer från Pocahontas stam. Pocahontas gamla bekant John Smith, som för tillfället vistades i England, skrev brev till drottningen. Där underströk han att Pocahontas borde tas emot som en prinsessa.

Vad är Pocahontas?

Vad betyder Pocahontas? Indianskt algonquin namn som betyder: ”Hon är lekfull” eller ”favorit dotter”. Betyder även ”hon som leker med vinden”.

What did John Rolfe do in Virginia?

John Rolfe stepped into history in May 1609 when he boarded the Sea Venture, bound for Virginia. The Virginia Company, founded by investors, had financed and sponsored the English colony founded at Jamestown in May 1607. The Company expected the colonist to start industrial enterprises in Virginia that would return profits to the Company.

What happened to the Jamestown Colony in 1610?

In May 1610, the two newly constructed ships set sail from Bermuda, with 142 castaways on board, including Rolfe, George Somers, Stephen Hopkins, and Sir Thomas Gates. On arrival at Jamestown, they found the Virginia Colony almost destroyed by famine and disease during what has become known as the Starving Time.

How much tobacco did John Rolfe send to England?

In 1617 20,000 pounds of Orinoco tobacco was sent to England and in 1618 an additional 40,000 pounds were sent. About 1619, Rolfe married Jane Pierce, daughter of English colonist Captain William Pierce, who had survived the shipwreck of the Sea Venture along with John in 1609.

How did Rolfe die?

Although a third of the colony was killed in the Indian uprising of that year, it is not known how Rolfe died. In a life that held much personal tragedy, Rolfe gave the colony its economic base.

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