
Vilket djur ar mest lik dinosaurier?

Vilket djur är mest lik dinosaurier?

Tuataran är egentligen ingen dinosaurie, men är det djur som mest liknar dinosaurier av nu levande djur. Men den reptilen, precis som många andra djur och växter som man tidigare trott dött ut, lever fortfarande.

How long does dinosaur DNA last?

But it may contain something never before seen from the depths of the Mesozoic era: degraded remnants of dinosaur DNA. Genetic material is not supposed to last over such time periods—not by a long shot. DNA begins to decay at death.

Could DNA from nonavian dinosaurs help explain the evolution of dinosaurs?

DNA from nonavian dinosaurs would add a wealth of new information about the biology of the “terrible lizards.” Such a find would also establish the possibility that genetic material can remain detectable not just for one million years, but for tens of millions.

Are these dinosaur DNA traces the real thing?

Yet first, paleontologists need to confirm that these possible genetic traces are the real thing. Such potential tatters of ancient DNA are not exactly Jurassic Park –quality. At best, their biological makers seem to be degraded remnants of genes that cannot be read—broken-down components rather than intact parts of a sequence.

Is this bone from a baby hadrosaur a dinosaur DNA sample?

It is not as big as an Apatosaurus femur or as impressive as a Tyrannosaurus jaw. The object is a just a scant shard of cartilage from the skull of a baby hadrosaur called Hypacrosaurus that perished more than 70 million years ago. But it may contain something never before seen from the depths of the Mesozoic era: degraded remnants of dinosaur DNA.

Hur vet man hur dinosaurier låter?

Dinosaurier hade inte stämband så som vi och andra däggdjur har, utan deras röstorgan liknar mer en stor fågels. Det är alltså orimligt att tro att de skulle ryta som lejon eller vråla som stora apor. De verkar snarare ha kuttrat, och de gjorde det med stängd mun.

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