
What is thymoma?

What is thymoma?

Thymoma is a form of tumor that originates in epithelial cells of the thymus. It is a very uncommon tumor, and is best known in association with a neuromuscular disorder known as myasthenia gravis.

How do you grade thymoma?

Thymoma Grading. The medulla is comprised of more spindle cells and the cortex is made up of more epithelial cells that line the organs and the cavities of the body. The doctors investigate the tumor under microscope and based on the cells they detect, class the tumor as ‘cortical’ or ‘medullary’.

Which neoplasm is associated with thymoma?

of thymic epithelial neoplasms such as thymic carcinoma or thymic neuroendocrine tumor rather than thymoma. Various studies have evaluated potential correla- tion between morphologic features of thymoma at

What is a Type B2 thymoma?

The type B2, i.e., cortical thymoma, is generally linked with myasthenia gravis. If the doctor suspects a thymoma, he or she will recommend a CT or a CAT scan to investigate the size as well as the extent of tumor.

Definition. Thymoma is a rare form of cancer originating from the surface of the thymus organ. This organ is located beneath the breastbone and plays a vital role in production of white blood cells along with the lymphatic system.

What is thymoma of anterior mediastinum?

Although thymoma is an uncommon tumor, it represents the most frequently encountered tumor of the anterior mediastinum. These tumors represent an interesting and even peculiar group of lesions by virtue of their association with paraneoplastic disorders, their relatively indolent course, and their predisposition for local recurrence.

Where does thymoma spread to in the body?

Thymoma and thymic carcinoma may spread to the lungs, chest wall, major vessels, esophagus, or the lining around the lungs and heart. The results of tests and procedures done to diagnose thymoma or thymic carcinoma are used to help make decisions about treatment. There are three ways that cancer spreads in the body.

What are the different types of thymoma treatment?

The following are the various types of method employed for treating thymoma: Surgery is often the first line of treatment employed for removal of the tumor from the organ. When the cancer has spread to the neighboring organs, efforts are made to remove as much tumor as possible.

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