
Hur agerar politiker och administratorer enligt public choice teorin?

Hur agerar politiker och administratörer enligt public choice teorin?

Public choice är en ekonomisk teori för politisk beslutfattande, som bröt med det idealistiska antagandet att politiker, byråkrater och väljare är upplysta altruister och istället utgår ifrån att aktörerna på den politiska marknaden är rationella och egenintresserade, på precis samma sätt som när de agerar på vanliga …

What is public choice analysis?

Public choice analysis has roots in positive analysis (”what is”) but is often used for normative purposes (”what ought to be”) in order to identify a problem or to suggest improvements to constitutional rules (i.e., constitutional economics ).

What is an example of public choice theory?

Public choice theory is often used to explain how political decision-making results in outcomes that conflict with the preferences of the general public. For example, many advocacy group and pork barrel projects are not the desire of the overall democracy. However, it makes sense for politicians to support these projects.

What is public choice in Political Science?

Public choice. In political science, it is the subset of positive political theory that studies self-interested agents (voters, politicians, bureaucrats) and their interactions, which can be represented in a number of ways – using (for example) standard constrained utility maximization, game theory, or decision theory.

What is our inability to understand public choice theory?

It is our inability to understand their lack of political appeal. Public choice’s application to government regulation was developed by George Stigler (1971) and Sam Peltzman (1976). Public choice theory is often used to explain how political decision-making results in outcomes that conflict with the preferences of the general public.

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