
Hur fungerar internship?

Hur fungerar internship?

Internship är en unik chans för dig som student att komma ut i arbetslivet. Ett internship är en tidsbegränsad, kvalificerad praktik på ett företag för akademiker eller unga studenter som pågår under en begränsad tid. Längden på ett internship varierar från tre till tolv månader och erbjuds när som helst under året.

Hur får man internship?

Så söker du ett internship Ofta kan du söka internships via ditt universitet. Prata med studievägledaren och titta på de anslagstavlor som finns på universitetet. Ofta annonseras olika tjänster och internships ut där och på så sätt finner du de arbetsgivare som är intresserade av interns med just din kompetens.

What is an AT University “externship”?

The unpaid “externship” is designed to support more than 100,000 students on the AT University platform. The content is in English but available to students located almost anywhere in the world. The curriculum includes professional development and business acumen coursework.

How do I get an externship?

There are a couple of ways that students can get an externship. Here are two common ways you might come across your next externship: Most of the time, externships are developed through a relationship between the college or university and the organization providing the learning opportunity.

Why is an externship important for college students?

This allows the student to get a true picture of the context of the work, real-life challenges, and the structure of a typical work day or week.” She says, in many cases, a student’s externship has a lasting impact on his or her career decision-making.

When did the term “externship” first appear?

According to Merriam-Webster’s dictionary, the first known use of the term “externship” dates back to 1945. However—until recently—most students were entirely unfamiliar with the concept. And many people still don’t know what they are, or why they’re important.

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