Vad betyder Entente Cordiale?
Entente var ett använt uttryck av franske konungen Ludvig Filip på1840-talet för de då goda politiska förhållanden som rådde mellan Frankrike och England. Mest bekant är termen ”entente cordiale” som beteckning för det “hjärtliga samförståndet” mellan Frankrike och England 1904.
Har Marocko varit franskt?
Marocko har varit bebott av berberfolk sedan förhistorisk tid. Islam kom med arabiska erövrare från slutet av 600-talet. Långt senare blev området en fransk koloni, men 1956 utropades självständighet.
What was the Entente Cordiale WW1?
Entente Cordiale, (April 8, 1904), Anglo-French agreement that, by settling a number of controversial matters, ended antagonisms between Great Britain and France and paved the way for their diplomatic cooperation against German pressures in the decade preceding World War I (1914–18).
What is an L’Entente Cordiale poster?
L’Entente Cordiale. This propaganda poster was made by Germany in 1915 during WWI, it was made to mock the Entente Cordiale. This was a series of agreements made between France and Britain to form an alliance against Germany.
What is the origin of the term cordial agreement?
Background. The French term Entente Cordiale (usually translated as ”cordial agreement” or ”cordial understanding”) comes from a letter written in 1843 by the British Foreign Secretary Lord Aberdeen to his brother, in which he mentioned ”a cordial, good understanding” between the two nations.
What is the origin of the term’Entente Cordiale’?
The French term Entente Cordiale (usually translated as cordial agreement or cordial understanding) comes from a letter written in 1843 by the British Foreign Secretary Lord Aberdeen to his brother, in which he mentioned a cordial, good understanding between the two nations.