Vad kallas Australiens urbefolkning?
När de första engelsmännen bosatte sig i Australien för ungefär 200 år sedan fanns det redan människor där, de kallas för aboriginer (engelska för urinvånare). Australiens urinvånare kom seglande till de norra delarna av Australien för ca 50 000 år sedan. Då var den australiska kontinenten större än vad den är idag.
Aboriginerna och Torres Strait Islanders har funnits i Australien i minst 40 000 år. Men efter att européerna koloniserade kontinenten blev deras historia brutal och sorglig.
Why do Aboriginals use “be like” instead of “say”?
In Aboriginal English speakers also use “be like”, but they mostly do it to introduce content that was actually said. Young speakers of Standard Australian English have almost abandoned “say” in favour of “be like”.
What is Aboriginal English?
Aboriginal English ranges from light varieties, spoken by most Aboriginal Australians, to heavy varieties. These heavy varieties tend to be inaccessible to an outsider, and are sometimes closer to Kriol, a creole language spoken in northern Australia. We collected Aboriginal English stories about family, history and the supernatural.
How do Aboriginals address each other?
Aboriginal English speakers convey respect by referring to people as Auntie or Uncle, including senior people the speaker has never met before. Aboriginal English also makes use of reciprocal address, where certain words apply to people interchangeably.
What are dialects?
Dialects can be defined as ”sub-forms of languages which are, in general, mutually comprehensible .” English speakers from different countries and regions use a variety of different accents (systems of pronunciation) as well as various localized words and grammatical constructions; many different dialects can be identified based on these factors.