
Vad sager UD om resor till Turkiet?

Vad säger UD om resor till Turkiet?

Turkiet – avrådan Med anledning av säkerhetsläget avråder UD från alla resor till Turkiets närområde mot Syrien och Irak, upp till ett avstånd om 10 kilometer från den syriska respektive den irakiska gränsen.

Vilka länder avråder UD från att resa till?

Länder som UD avråder från resa till

  • Afghanistan – avrådan.
  • Algeriet – avrådan.
  • Armenien – avrådan.
  • Azerbajdzjan – avrådan.
  • Belarus – avrådan.
  • Burkina Faso – avrådan.
  • Burundi – avrådan.
  • Centralafrikanska republiken – avrådan.

Vad krävs vid inresa till Sverige?

Den 9 februari 2022 hävde svenska myndigheter samtliga covidrestriktioner för inresa i Sverige från ett EU/EES-land. Detta innebär att alla, oberoende av medborgarskap, får resa in i Sverige från ett EU/EES-land utan några covidspecifika restriktioner.

Who is the president of Mauritius?

Mauritius is a parliamentary republic, and the President functions as a ceremonial figurehead, elected by the National Assembly as set out by the Constitution of Mauritius. The current office-holder is Barlen Vyapoory who is serving on an acting capacity following Ameenah Gurib-Fakim ’s resignation.

Is it safe to travel to Mauritius now?

[READ MORE] Location: Mauritius Event: The Department of State, in close coordination with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), has adjusted the travel advisory for Mauritius. Mauritius – Level 4: Do not travel due to COVID-19 and related restrictions.

Is Mauritius part of the Mascarene?

It includes the main island (also called Mauritius), as well as Rodrigues, Agaléga and St. Brandon. The islands of Mauritius and Rodrigues, along with nearby Réunion (a French overseas department ), are part of the Mascarene Islands.

How do I find someone in Mauritius in an emergency?

Enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) to receive Alerts and make it easier to locate you in an emergency. Follow the Department of State on Facebook and Twitter. Review the Crime and Safety Report for Mauritius. U.S. citizens who travel abroad should always have a contingency plan for emergency situations.

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