
Vad upptackte Watson?

Vad upptäckte Watson?

Upptäckten av DNA-strukturen tillskrivs ofta James Watson och Francis Crick. De förlitade sig dock uteslutande på andras forskning, exempelvis Rosalind Franklins, vars röntgendiffraktionsbilder av kristalliserat DNA var nyckeln till mysteriet med DNA:ts struktur.

Vad heter de två forskare som upptäckte DNA struktur?

Vid den här tiden arbetade forskare världen över med att lösa gåtan om hur DNA var uppbyggt. Men trots den bild Rosalind lyckades ta, fick hon ingen ära och berömmelse för sitt arbete. Hennes forskarkollega Maurice Wilkins tog nämligen delar av hennes arbete och visade för forskarna James D Watson och Francis Crick.

Who was Rosalind Franklin?

Rosalind Elsie Franklin, the brilliant chemist whose x-ray diffraction studies provided crucial clues to the structure of DNA and quantitatively confirmed the Watson-Crick DNA model, was born in London on July 25, 1920, the second of five children in a prominent Anglo-Jewish family.

What did Bernal say about Rosalind Franklin?

John Desmond Bernal, one of the United Kingdom’s most well-known and controversial scientists and a pioneer in X-ray crystallography, spoke highly of Franklin around the time of her death in 1958. ”As a scientist Miss Franklin was distinguished by extreme clarity and perfection in everything she undertook,” he said.

What did Rosalind Franklin discover about DNA?

British chemist Rosalind Franklin is best known for her role in the discovery of the structure of DNA, and for her pioneering use of X-ray diffraction. Born in 1920 in London, England, Rosalind Franklin earned a Ph.D. in physical chemistry from Cambridge University.

Why did Rosalind Franklin leave King’s College?

Franklin left King’s College in March 1953 and relocated to Birkbeck College, where she studied the structure of the tobacco mosaic virus and the structure of RNA. Because Randall let Franklin leave on the condition that she would not work on DNA, she turned her attention back to studies of coal.

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