Vad var Japans motiv till att erövra och kolonisera i Asien?
Japans industrialisering skapade imperialistiska ambitioner Den tolkningen förkastades av japanska, ganska extrema, nationalister och militärer som istället förde fram en imperialistisk tolkning: att största möjliga del av världen skulle hamna under kejsaren som hade gudomlig rätt att förena och styra detta välde.
Hur många dog sammanlagt under Vietnamkriget?
Här uppskattades antalet döda till cirka två miljoner vietnameser totalt, inklusive både civila och militära dödsoffer på båda sidorna. Uppskattningar från bland annat FN och USA uppskattade att cirka 4–5 miljoner vietnameser hade dött under kriget.
Hur många civila dog under Vietnamkriget?
Dagens vietnamesiska regering räknar med att mellan 1954 och 1975 dog fyra miljoner civila i Nord- och Sydvietnam. 1,1 miljoner dog dessutom på den militära sidan. USA:s siffror talar om upp till 250.000 dödade sydvietnamesiska soldater och 58.200 dödade i de amerikanska styrkorna.
What happened to Japan after the Vietnam War?
Viet Minh cadres began seizing control of Japanese-held villages and towns. In early August, the US dropped atomic weapons on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, attacks that would lead to the Japanese surrender. As the Japanese mobilised to leave Vietnam, its people wondered who their new rulers might be.
Why did Japanese contract workers return to Vietnam?
As contract workers returned home to Vietnam from the countries of the former Eastern Bloc, which by then had begun their transition away from Communism, they began to look for other foreign destinations in which they could earn good incomes, and Japan proved attractive due to its nearby location and high standard of living.
What did the Vietnamese think of the Japanese in Vietnam?
Other Vietnamese considered the Japanese just another troupe of foreign imperialists, no different to the French. The Japanese made some effort to win the hearts and minds of the Vietnamese – a policy that differed from their brutality and oppression in China. Propaganda suggested the Japanese were in Vietnam as “liberators” rather than conquerors.
Who are the Vietnamese people in Japan?
Vietnamese people in Japan (在日ベトナム人, Zainichi Betonamujin, Người Việt ở Nhật) form Japan’s third-largest community of foreign residents ahead of Filipinos in Japan and behind Koreans in Japan, according to the statistics of the Ministry of Justice.