
Var kan man kopa efedrin?

Var kan man köpa efedrin?

Efedrin är sedan 1/9 2005 läkemedelsklassat i Sverige vilket innebär att det är olagligt att sälja kosttillskott som innehåller efedrin. Efedrin får alltså endast finnas i registrerade läkemedel.

Vad gör Synephrine?

Synefrin är ett ämne, ett stimulantia, som ofta nämns ofta i samband med viktnedgång och fettförbränning. Det är ett naturligt ämne som ofta används i just kosttillskott med fettförbrännande effekt. Utöver att det finns i fettförbrännande kosttillskott finns det även i sin rena form, i ett synefrin tillskott.

What is Ma Huang used for?

Ma huang, Chinese ephedra, was used to treat asthma, or at least wheezing, five thousand years ago. The Herbal Classic of the Divine Plowman described it as an herb of “middle class,” referring to its perceived usefulness rather than to a social standing.

Why was Ma Huang banned in the US?

In early 2004, the drug was banned under claims that it had many side effects to the lives of many people. Though FDA could not give enough evidence to support the ban, it is still effective. There are different interesting reasons about the sell of ma huang in America, which make the truth about the drug hard to know.

What are the dangers of Ma Huang?

Ma huang may depress the appetite and should not be taken by people with anorexia. People with insomnia, anxiety, or suicidal tendencies may suffer from possible psychological reactions to this herb. It may also reactivate stomach ulcers in susceptible individuals. Ma huang and ephedrine are forbidden by the International Olympic Committee.

Can you take Lanoxin with Ma Huang?

Ma huang is incompatible with cardiac glycosides such as Lanoxin and with the anesthetic halothane. Serious disruption of heart rhythm may occur. Ma huang must not be combined with ergot or its derivative ergotamine, or blood pressure could become very elevated.

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