
Varfor spada Cordarone?

Varför späda Cordarone?

För användning i injektionspump späder vi: Cordarone® 300 mg (= 2 ampuller med 3 ml Cordarone® 50 mg/ml) i 14 ml 5 % Glukos till en total volym på 20 ml. Den färdigspädda lösningen håller då 15 mg amiodaron per ml. Ges vanligen som intravenös infusion under 1-2 timmar, men kan i brådskande situationer ges snabbare, t.

När ger man cordarone?

Cordarone är ett antiarytmikum, som sätter ned hjärtats elektriska retbarhet varvid hastig och oregelbunden hjärtverksamhet (arytmier) motverkas. Cordarone används för att behandla svåra störningar av hjärtrytmen och när andra läkemedel ej varit verksamma eller kan användas.

How does amiodarone interact with warfarin?

Conclusions: The magnitude of the amiodarone/warfarin interaction is highly dependent on the maintenance dose of amiodarone. This relationship can aid clinicians in adjusting the dose of warfarin patients receiving long-term amiodarone treatment.

What is amiodarone?

Amiodarone is an antiarrhythmic drug used to treat and prevent ventricular arrhythmias. It works by blocking the electrical signals in the heart that can cause an irregular heartbeat. It is available in tablet form under the brand name Pacerone, and is also available as a generic.

How does amiodarone affect the INR?

The peak effect of amiodarone on the INR occurred at week 7, resulting in a 44 percent average reduction in the warfarin dosage. The study found that the impact of amiodarone on the INR was directly related to the maintenance dosage of this medication.

Is amiodarone effective for the treatment of ventricular arrhythmias?

Am Fam Physician.  2002 Apr 15;65(8):1669-1670. Amiodarone is an effective medication used in the treatment of life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias. The advantage of amiodarone compared with similar antiarrhythmic agents is its minimal proarrhythmic effects. Studies also have shown that it does not increase the mortality risk.

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