
Vilka bor i Anderna?

Vilka bor i Anderna?

Ursprungsbefolkningen i Anderna var Sydamerikas indianer, som aymara och quechuafolket. I Anderna låg också det legendomsusade Inkariket, som hade en högt utvecklad kultur både inom jordbruk och byggandet av akvedukter och broar. De första européer som såg Anderna var de spanska och portugisiska conquistadorerna.

Vilket land ligger Anderna i?

Från Wikipedia

Anderna (Quechua: Anti(s/kuna))
Flygfoto över delar av bergskedjan Anderna mellan Argentina och Chile.
Länder Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela
Städer Bogotá, La Paz, Santiago, Quito, Cusco, Mérida

Who are the Cordillera people?

A group of elderly Igorots. The indigenous peoples of the Cordillera Mountain Range of northern Luzon, Philippines are often referred to using the exonym Igorot people, or more recently, as the Cordilleran peoples.

What is the North American Cordillera?

The North American Cordillera covers an extensive area of mountain ranges, intermontane basins, and plateaus in western North America, including much of the territory west of the Great Plains.

What are the intermontane areas of the Cordillera?

The Nevadan belt runs up and down the middle of the North American Cordillera. Therefore, the intermontane areas of the cordillera can be divided up into the areas east of the Nevadan belt, and those west of the Nevadan belt.

What is it like to live in Cordillera by Toll Brothers?

Situated in Summerlin’s vibrant Redpoint Square, Cordillera offers luxury townhome living with rooftop deck options and a private community pool. Cordillera by Toll Brothers is a luxury townhome community that features three open-concept townhome designs with attached two-car garages.

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