
What is a Field Spaniel?

What is a Field Spaniel?

The Field Spaniel is a combination of beauty and utility. It is a well balanced, substantial hunter-companion of medium size, built for activity and endurance in a heavy cover and water. It has a noble carriage; a proud but docile attitude; is sound and free moving. Symmetry, gait, attitude and purpose are more important than any one part.

When did the Field Spaniel become rare?

Almost a hundred years later in the 1920s, the standard returned to a moderate length and weight. Although it is a fine bird dog with a great, mild disposition, the breed remains rare to this day, most likely due to the extreme popularity of the Cocker Spaniel. The Field Spaniel was recognized by the AKC in 1894.

What are the best activities for a Field Spaniel?

Fetching games and other outdoor toys are attractive to the Field Spaniel, but the ideal activities are running and walking. The Field Spaniel is naturally playful and will take part in activities with familiar owners or guardians. It is important to keep track of their whereabouts, especially in the dark.

Do field spaniels get lost easily?

The Field Spaniel is a natural hunter and will have a tendency to get lost if they are left on their own. This breed stays healthy and happy when they have an opportunity to explore with their owners or guardians. Field Spaniels are naturally independent but they learn very quickly.

Do field spaniels run around the block?

It isn’t fair to keep this lively little hunter, bred for activity and endurance, in a small yard with only a walk around the block for exercise. When socialized early and extensively, the Field Spaniel is accepting of strangers, though he seldom runs right up to people as might a Cocker or Springer.

Why did the Field Spaniel become so popular?

The breed’s success in the ring encouraged breeders to produce a showy Field Spaniel, exaggerating its long, low shape to extremes—a “grotesque caricature of a spaniel,” as one commentator put it. Such short-sighted breeding practices negated the Field’s worth as a gundog and introduced health problems to the breed.

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