
Hur borjade den arabiska varen?

Hur började den arabiska våren?

Den så kallade arabiska våren 2011 förbyttes snart till politisk vinter i nästan alla de länder där spontana folkliga resningar utmanade auktoritära regimer: Egypten, Libyen, Syrien, Bahrain och Jemen. I stor utsträckning misslyckades de folkliga resningarna på grund av att oppositionen var väldigt splittrad.

I vilket land inleddes Jasminrevolutionen 2010?

Jasminrevolutionen[redigera | redigera wikitext] Regeringen avsatt, Tunisiens president Zine El Abidine Ben Ali avsatt. Jasminrevolutionen var demonstrationerna och kravallerna i flera städer i Tunisien som pågick från den 17 december 2010 till den 14 januari 2011.

Did Bahrain have an operational plan to terrorize protesters?

The Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry, in its November 2011 report, confirmed the “existence of an operational plan” to terrorize protesters and concluded that a lack of accountability had led to a “culture of impunity.”

What happened in Bahrain in 2011?

It’s been nine years since Bahrain’s February 2011 uprising . Tens of thousands of demonstrators marched in cities and towns across the country to protest the ruling Al Khalifa family’s tight grip on power, discrimination against the country’s majority Shia population, and arrests of political critics.

What is behind the protests in Saudi Arabia?

Tens of thousands of demonstrators marched in cities and towns across the country to protest the ruling Al Khalifa family’s tight grip on power, discrimination against the country’s majority Shia population, and arrests of political critics.

Why is Bahrain’s human rights crisis only getting worse?

In the years since, Bahrain’s human rights crisis has only worsened . The authorities have demonstrated a zero-tolerance policy for any free and independent political thought, and they have imprisoned, exiled, or intimidated into silence anyone who criticizes the government.

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