
Vad ar skillnaden mellan en privat och en publik IP adress?

Vad är skillnaden mellan en privat och en publik IP adress?

Publika och privata IP-adresser Varje enhet på nätverket får en privat IP-adress som inte syns utåt men som identifierar enheten lokalt. Sedan är det rent tekniskt routern som ansluter mot internet via internetleverantören och får din publika IP-adress som du skulle se om du gör en sökning på ”vad är min ip-adress?”.

Hur ser jag min externa ip adress?

En Extern IP-adress – används varje gång du ansluter till internet och tilldelas din router….2017-09-06 20:46

  1. Klicka på ”Windows-tangenten + R”.
  2. I kommandoprompten skriver du ”ipconfig” och klickar på Enter.
  3. Du kan nu se din IP adress – oftast som IPv4.

What is the IP address of 192 IP address?

IP address is registered by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) as a part of private network

What is the private IP address of a home router?

Home routers are usually installed on the network instead of, which means the router may have a private IP address of The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority reserves the following blocks of IP address space for private intranets:

What is the IP address assigned to a router?

For perspective, one common IP address assigned to home routers is This IP address is used because the router is on the network. In the same way, routers on the network are usually assigned the local, private IP address of Each Internet Protocol network consists of a continuous range of addresses.

What is the range of IP addresses from 192 to 255?

192. 168. 0. 0 is the beginning of the private IP address range that includes all IP addresses through 192. 168. 255. 255. This IP address is usually not used on a network, and a phone or computer wouldn’t be assigned this address. However, some networks that include 192. 168. 0.

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