
Vad hande i folkmordet i Kambodja?

Vad hände i folkmordet i Kambodja?

Bland kommunistiska regimers brott mot mänskligheten, står de röda khmerernas regim i Kambodja, åren 1975–1979, för de mest extrema. Enligt beräkningar dog mellan 1,5 och 1,7 miljoner människor, eller 20 procent av befolkningen, under de knappt fyra åren genom direkta avrättningar och svält orsakad av regimens politik.

Vad heter folket i Kambodja?

Kambodja – Befolkning och språk. Ungefär nio av tio kambodjaner tillhör majoritetsfolket khmer. I landet finns tre större minoritetsgrupper: vietnameser, kineser och den muslimska folkgruppen cham. Därutöver hyser landet en mängd små folkgrupper som främst lever i bergen i nordöstra Kambodja.

What did the Khmer Rouge do to Cambodia?

Sources The Khmer Rouge was a brutal regime that ruled Cambodia, under the leadership of Marxist dictator Pol Pot, from 1975 to 1979. Pol Pot’s attempts to create a Cambodian “master race” through social engineering ultimately led to the deaths of more than 2 million people in the Southeast Asian country.

Who was the leader of the Khmer Rouge?

Pol Pot. In 1975, Khmer Rouge fighters invaded Phnom Penh and took over the city. With the capital in its grasp, the Khmer Rouge had won the civil war and, thus, ruled the country. Notably, the Khmer Rouge opted not to restore power to Prince Norodom, but instead handed power to the leader of the Khmer Rouge, Pol Pot.

What is the best book on the Khmer Rouge?

Khmer Rouge: Ideology, Militarism, and the Revolution that Consumed a Generation Praeger, 2013. ISBN 978-0-313-39337-2. Pran, Dith (Comp.). Children of Cambodia’s Killing Fields: Memoirs by Survivors. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1997.

How did Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge live?

As a leader of the Khmer Rouge during its days as an insurgent movement, Pol Pot came to admire the tribes in Cambodia’s rural northeast. These tribes were self-sufficient and lived on the goods they produced through subsistence farming.

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