
Vilken Fornitalisk Krigsgud ingick i en triad med Mars och Jupiter?

Vilken Fornitalisk Krigsgud ingick i en triad med Mars och Jupiter?

Quirinus var en fornitalisk, troligen sabinsk gud som införlivades i den romerska mytologin. Han var liksom Mars krigsgud och ingick tillsammans med Jupiter i den romerska gudatriad som var de viktigaste i den romerska trosutövningen.

Hur rör sig Jupiter?


Flykthastighet 59,5 km/s
Siderisk rotationsperiod 9,925 h
Vinkelhastighet (ekvatorn) 12,6 km/s 45 300 km/h
Axellutning 3,13°

Hur snabbt rör sig Jupiter?

Jupiter roterar oerhört snabbt runt sin egen axel. Det tar bara tio timmar för ett helt varv och detta ger upphov till enorma rörelser i atmosfären. Gasen som döljer planetens hav stormar runt i hastigheter uppemot 540 kilometer i timmen.

What is your Jupiter sign?

Your Jupiter sign describes the constellation where Jupiter was hanging out. You can find yours by using a birth chart calculator, like the one on Café Astrology or Co–Star. JSYK, it’ll probably be different from your Sun sign! This content is imported from {embed-name}.

Is Jupiter a failed star?

So, while Jupiter is a planetary giant, its mass falls far short of the mark for considering it a failed star.

Is Jupiter a gas planet?

It is a gas giant with a mass more than two and a half times that of all the other planets in the Solar System combined, but slightly less than one-thousandth the mass of the Sun. Jupiter is the third-brightest natural object in the Earth ’s night sky after the Moon and Venus.

What are 5 interesting facts about Jupiter?

Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun and the largest in the Solar System. It is a gas giant with a mass one-thousandth that of the Sun, but two and a half times that of all the other planets in the Solar System combined. Jupiter is the third-brightest natural object in the Earth ’s night sky after the Moon and Venus.

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