
What is pruritus?

What is pruritus?

Pruritus most frequently is an unpleasant symptom of a clinically evident dermatologic condition(Table 1).1–3,11,12The itch of dry skin, otherwise known as xerosis or asteatotic eczema, is common in older adults.3,11,12Xerosis occurs most often during the winter in northern climates. View/Print Table TABLE 1 Dermatologic Causes of Pruritus

What are some good references for the study of pruritus?

REFERENCES show all references 1. Parker F. Structure and function of skin. In: Goldman L, Bennett JC, eds. Cecil Textbook of medicine. 21st ed. Philadelphia: Saunders, 2000:2266…. 2. Krajnik M, Zylicz Z. Understanding pruritus in systemic disease. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2001;21:151–68.

What are the symptoms of aquagenic pruritus?

Symptoms Symptoms. Aquagenic pruritus causes intense itching in the parts of the body that come in contact with water. The legs are most frequently affected, followed by the arms, chest, back, and abdomen.

Which dermatologic findings are characteristic of pruritus in older adults?

A careful skin examination is critical, particularly in older adults. Lack of dermatologic findings in older patients with pruritus compels a more vigorous search for underlying systemic disease. Skin scrapings can identify scabies and dermatophytoses.

What is pruritus? Pruritus—the medical term for itching—is an unpleasant skin sensation that leads to scratching. It is a common symptom of allergies, inflammation or irritation. It results from a tingling, irritating or uneasy sensation on the skin.

How do you test for pruritus?

References A thorough history and a complete physical examination are central to the evaluation of pruritus. Most pruritic conditions can be diagnosed on the basis of the presence of associated dermatitis, the distribution of the itching or rash, or a history of recent exposure to exogenous causes.

What is the best treatment for pruritus?

Management and Treatment of Pruritus. Therapy is often aimed at eliminating the underlying cause first, followed by the management of the itchy sensation. Treatment may include prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) medications, herbal remedies, hydrotherapy, phototherapy, and ultraviolet therapy.

What happens if you scratch too much pruritus?

Constant scratching to obtain relief can damage the skin ( excoriation, lichenification) and reduce its effectiveness as a major protective barrier. Pruritus is often a symptom of an underlying disease process such as a skin problem, a systemic disease, or abnormal nerve impulses. What are cutaneous signs of pruritus?

How do I know if I have pruritus?

Check for burrows, which are most common on the sides of fingers, the webs, the borders of the hands, the wrists and the feet, as well as papules and nodules, which are most commonly seen on the shaft of the penis (pathognomonic), the groins and in the axillae Step 3: systemic disease – a wide range of illnesses can be responsible for pruritus

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