
Hur behandlar man trikiner?

Hur behandlar man trikiner?

Trikiner avdödas vid upphettning av kött till minst 68°C. Beroende på djurslag fungerar djupfrysning olika och är inte en helt säker metod. Djupfrysning fungerar inte heller mot den frysresistenta formen (T. nativa) som även den kan finnas hos vilda djur i Sverige.

Vilka djur Trikintestas?

Om du ska bjuda någon utanför ditt hushåll måste du enligt lag göra trikintest. Om köttet ska säljas måste det passera en vilthanteringsanläggning som även skickar iväg prover för trikinanalys. Trikinkontroll ska enligt lag utföras på kött från tamsvin, vildsvin, häst, björn m. fl.

What is Trichinosis (trichinellosis)?

Trichinellosis (trichinosis) is caused by nematodes (roundworms) of the genus Trichinella.

How do you kill trichinellosis in meat?

Curing (salting), drying, smoking, or microwaving meat alone does not consistently kill infective worms; homemade jerky and sausage were the cause of many cases of trichinellosis reported to CDC in recent years. Freeze pork less than 6 inches thick for 20 days at 5°F (-15°C) to kill any worms.

What are the treatment options for trichinellosis?

Prompt treatment with antiparasitic drugs can help prevent the progression of trichinellosis by killing the adult worms and so preventing further release of larvae. Once the larvae have become established in skeletal muscle cells, usually by 3 to 4 weeks post infection, treatment may not completely eliminate the infection and associated symptoms.

Are certain species of Trichinella more likely to cause severe disease?

Some reports have linked severity of disease to the infecting species of Trichinella, suggesting that certain species are more likely to cause severe disease than others. However, the pathogenicity of various species is difficult to define clinically without quantifying infectious dose.

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