
Hur fardades Marco Polo?

Hur färdades Marco Polo?

Marco Polo var en köpman och upptäcktsresande från Venedig. Han påbörjade sin resa 1271 då han följde med sin far och farbror på en resa – landvägen genom Asien – till Kina. Den mongoliske härskaren Kublai khan vid hovet i Peking tog väl hand om Marco, som stannade i Kina i 17 år.

Vart växte Marco Polo upp?

Marco Polos tidiga liv Född i Venedig, Italien, 1254, var Marco Polo en del av en förmögen handelsfamilj. Hans mor dog i ung ålder och han växte upp av en storfamilj under stora delar av sitt tidiga liv. Niccolo, hans far och Maffeo, hans farbror, var på väg under hans tidiga barndom.

What did Marco Polo see on his travels?

Photographic technology had not yet been developed at the time of Marco Polo’s 13th-century travels, and the explorer’s personal accounts were converted into drawings. In addition to reporting a sighting of the mythical unicorn, Marco Polo also claimed to have seen a roc, which is a mythological bird of massive proportions.

Did Marco Polo exaggerate his role in China?

Some scholars believe that Marco Polo exaggerated his importance in China. The British historian David Morgan thought that Polo had likely exaggerated and lied about his status in China, while Ronald Latham believed that such exaggerations were embellishments by his ghostwriter Rustichello da Pisa.

Why did Marco Polo mistake the animals he saw for mythical creatures?

Because Marco Polo was not used to seeing some of the non-mythical animals that are native to Asia, he confused what he saw, which included animals such as crocodiles and large snakes, for mythical creatures. Photographic technology had not yet been developed at the time…

How accurate are Marco Polo’s accounts of China?

It has, however, been pointed out that Polo’s accounts of China are more accurate and detailed than other travellers’ accounts of the periods.

Vad uppfann Marco Polo?

Han var inte den förste europé som reste till Kina, men han var den förste som gav detaljerade skildringar av det av mongolerna styrda Kina och angränsande länder.

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