
Hur fungerar en Optiflow?

Hur fungerar en Optiflow?

Optiflow är ett andningsstöd för spontanandandes patienter. Luft med ett högt flöde, med eller utan tillsats av syrgas, levereras via grimma i näsan. Det höga flödet ger en ursköljning av CO2 i de övre luftvägarna, ett dynamiskt PEEP (0,5-1 cmH2O/10l flöde).

Vad betyder Optiflow?

Optiflow® (Nasal högflödesterapi (NHF)) är ett sätt att upprätthålla optimal saturation och befuktade luftvägar hos patienter med respiratorisk svikt. Befuktningen medför att det mucocilliära transportsystemet bevaras och förhindrar sekretstagnation.

Is continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) effective for covid-19 treatment?

Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) has been suggested as a beneficial treatment for patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The objective of CPAP treatment is to improve oxygenation, unload respiratory muscles and possibly delay or avoid intubation. This review describes the physi … [CPAP for patients with COVID-19]

Can the airvo™ be used in a hospital?

The AIRVO™ is a humidifier with integrated flow generator, designed for hospital use. For further assistance, please contact your local Fisher & Paykel Healthcare office – see reverse for contact details. Please keep this manual for future reference.

What is the F&P airvo 2?

The F&P myAIRVO 2 is the home-use version of the AIRVO used in hospital. The device acts as an upper airway humidifier in conjunction with High Flow Therapy (HFT). The device creates a high flow situation with an internal motor that pressurises the air and pushes it through a heated humidifier chamber that contains distilled water.

What do I need to transport the airvo system?

A compact system with a built-in flow generator means there’s no need for a noisy, heavy air compressor in order to transport the Airvo 2. Add a suitable UPS and you’re ready to go. A variety of interfaces have been designed with Optiflow High Flow Therapy in mind.

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