
Hur fungerar PlantSnap?

Hur fungerar PlantSnap?

Appen är formellt sett gratis, men du får ett mycket begränsat antal identifieringar innan du måste vänta 10 timmar på att göra fler, låsa upp premiumversionen eller titta på tre reklamfilmer för att få tre bilder till identifierade. Detta efter att du redan blivit Reklambombarderad av appen.

Hur mår min växt app?

Plantas skötselalgoritmer påminner dig när och hur det är dags att vattna, ge näring, duscha, rengöra (ja, det ska man också göra) och plantera om, m.m. Samla alla dina växter i Planta, och få enkla steg-för-steg guider om hur du bäst vattnar, ger näring och planterar om dina växter.

What is the plantsnap app?

That is where the PlantSnap mobile app comes into use. With this handy phone app, all you need to do is snap a photo of the plant, and PlantSnap will give you suggestions for the name of it! I recently went on a month long trip where I visited garden centers in many U.S. states in the southeast and Mid West part of the country.

What can plantsnap do for You?

With PlantSnap, I was able to identify hundreds of plants, particularly flowers and ornamental plants, which are my main love. The PlantSnap mobile app will help you identify not just flowers but also plants and trees.

What is the best app to identify plants?

Identify plants, flowers, cacti, succulents and mushrooms in seconds with the click of a button on your mobile device. PlantSnap is the most high-tech, comprehensive and accurate plant identification app ever created!

How do I identify a plant in plantsnap?

To identify a plant you simply need to simply snap a photo of the plant, and the app will tell you what it is in a matter of seconds! PlantSnap can currently recognize 90% of all known species of plants and trees, which covers most of the species you will encounter in every country on Earth. PlantSnap 3.0 Instructional Video — iOS Landscape

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