Hur fungerar Subnetting?
Det bästa sättet att lösa detta är helt enkelt att använda oss av nätmasken för att ta bitar från värd-ID och ge till nätverks-ID. Detta kallas för subnetting. Om vi tar 3 av de 8 bitar som används för värd-ID i en klass C adress så får vi 6 st nätverks-ID samtidigt som vi lämnar 5 bitar kvar till värd-ID.
Vilket protokoll används för automatisk tilldelning av IP-inställningar?
24 Automatisk tilldelning av IP-inställningar kallas även för dynamisk IP-tilldelning Sköts av protokollet DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) Krävs en DHCP-server på nätverket.
What is a subnet?
A subnet, or subnetwork, is a network inside a network. Subnets make networks more efficient. Through subnetting, network traffic can travel a shorter distance without passing through unnecessary routers to reach its destination. Imagine Alice puts a letter in the mail that is addressed to Bob, who lives in the town right next to hers.
Are there any good calculators for subnetting?
Some handy calculators specifically designed for subnetting are also worth a try. Many of these subnet calculators are available online and so work no matter which operating system you have. What should you look for in a subnet calculator?
How does a router know what subnet to use?
Once the packet arrives at that network, a router within the network consults its routing table. It does some binary mathematics using its subnet mask of, sees the device address ”15” (the rest of the IP address indicates the network), and calculates which subnet the packet should go to.
What is a subnet and how does it reduce network congestion?
Subnets help reduce network congestion. A subnet is a widely-used practice in network management that involves breaking up a network into sections. Subnetting creates several interconnected networks under a single address space, viewing each section as a sub-network, or “subnet”, rather than a collection of independent networks.