
Hur tar man Ovesterin?

Hur tar man Ovesterin?

3. Hur du använder Ovesterin

  1. Använd alltid detta läkemedel enligt läkarens eller apotekspersonalens anvisningar.
  2. De första 2-3 veckorna (maximalt 4 veckor): En dos per dag, lämpligen vid sänggåendet.
  3. Därefter: Efter 2-3 veckors behandling bör besvären ha avtagit, då minskas dosen till en dos två gånger per vecka.

Hur lång tid tar det innan Ovesterin verkar?

Uppsök läkare om symtomen försämras eller inte förbättras inom 3-4 veckor. Det rekommenderas att du använder trosskydd efter applicering av Ovesterin vagitorier, eftersom visst överskott kan rinna ut.

How do vaginal tightening gels work?

Vaginal tightening gels work by tightening the vaginal opening. This action is mainly achieved due to the astringent effect present in many plant extracts. The reason of a loose vagina is a wide opened posterior wall which gets distant from each other. Vaginal tighteners level up the distance and get you the youthful and tighter pussy.

How to use Vaginal Cream correctly?

Push the plunger all the way to insert the cream. If you start menstruating while using vaginal cream, keep applying it. However, you should use sanitary pads, since tampons can absorb the cream. If you experience any dryness, burning, or itching, contact your doctor to discuss your treatment.

What are the side effects of vaginal cream?

The side effects will vary depending on what medication is in the vaginal cream. In general, side effects may include vaginal discomfort, vaginal dryness, burning or itching and potentially messy discharge from the vagina. Be sure to read the information that came with the vaginal cream.

How do I use the applicator on my vagina?

Relax and place the applicator into your vaginal opening. Insert it in your vagina and depress the plunger of the applicator using your index finger. Depress the plunger completely so that it stops moving and all the cream is inserted. It may help to point the applicator towards the small of your back when you place it into your vaginal opening.

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