
Vad ar dragande system?

Vad är dragande system?

Med dragande menas att produktion inte ska startas uppströms innan de nedströms efterfrågar det, i enlighet med Kanban principen. Produktionen blir kundorderstyrd, där dess takt bestäms av marknadens efterfråga.

Vad är tryckande system?

Det innebär grovt sett att man producerar först när produkten efterfrågas. I bilindustrin, där Lean har sitt ursprung, innebär det att man inte massproducerar bilar och trycker ut på marknaden där man hoppas att nån vill köpa. Istället producerar man löpande allteftersom efterfrågan förändras.

What is the difference between just in time (JIT) and lean manufacturing?

Many confuse the concepts of Just In Time (JIT) and Lean Manufacturing. Scott Thompson, journalist for the Houston Chronicle outlines the differences between the two. Thompson writes, “Just-in-time manufacturing is focused on efficiency, while lean manufacturing is focused on using efficiency to add value for the customer.

What is just in time (JIT)?

In manufacturing, speed to market and costs of production can make or break a company. Just in time (JIT) manufacturing is a workflow methodology aimed at reducing flow times within production systems, as well as response times from suppliers and to customers. Manufacturing teams around the world have found a solution. It’s called Kanban.

What is JIT manufacturing and how does it work?

JIT manufacturing helps organizations control variability in their processes, allowing them to increase productivity while lowering costs. JIT manufacturing is very similar to Lean manufacturing, and the terms are often used synonymously.

What is just in time manufacturing and how does it work?

Processing smaller batches allowed the manufacturers to reduce financial risk, while slowing generating sustainable levels of working capital. The system that they used came to be known as just in time manufacturing, popularized in Western media as the Toyota Production System.

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