Vad odlas i Burkina Faso?
Burkina Faso är en jordbruksekonomi. De flesta burkinier är direkt eller indirekt beroende av jordbruket för sin försörjning. Många lever av självhushåll och odlar främst spannmål som hirs, durra, majs och ris samt frukt och grönsaker.
Vilken klimatzon ligger Burkina Faso?
Burkina Faso har ett tropiskt klimat med stora skillnader mellan torka och regntid. Den genomsnittliga nederbörden är liten och långa perioder av torka har gjort vatten till en knapp resurs. Jorderosion och ökenutbredning är de mest allvarliga miljöproblemen för landet.
Vilka länder gränsar till Burkina Faso?
Burkina Faso ligger i det inre av Västafrika, strax söder om Sahara. Det gränsar till Mali och Niger i norr och till Elfenbenskusten, Ghana, Togo och Benin i söder. Landets yta motsvarar knappt två tredjedelar av Sveriges.
What are the biggest problems in Burkina Faso?
Lack of Good drinking water and water for domestic purposes remains another major problem in Burkina Faso today. Water is very scarce in Burkina Faso due to the recurring droughts and desertification in this part of the world. Women and children walk miles upon miles just to fetch water sometimes with heavy loads on their heads.
Why is water so scarce in Burkina Faso?
Water is very scarce in Burkina Faso due to the recurring droughts and desertification in this part of the world. Women and children walk miles upon miles just to fetch water sometimes with heavy loads on their heads. Corruption levels remain at all time high in Burkina Faso today.
What is the population of Burkina Faso?
Burkina Faso. It covers an area of around 274,200 square kilometres (105,900 sq mi) and is surrounded by six countries: Mali to the north; Niger to the east; Benin to the southeast; Togo and Ghana to the south; and Ivory Coast to the southwest. The July 2018 population estimate by the United Nations was 19,751,651.
Why is the US interested in Burkina Faso?
In addition to regional peace and stability, U.S. interests in Burkina Faso are to promote continued democratization and greater respect for human rights, and to encourage sustainable economic development. Countering terrorism and strengthening border security are of growing importance in Burkina Faso.