
Vem ar Imhotep?

Vem är Imhotep?

Imhotep som arkitekt. Han är den förste arkitekt som finns belagd i skriftliga källor. Det var han som ledde det första pyramidbygget i Egypten; det med farao Djosers trappstegspyramid i Sakkara. Farao Djoser och andra faraoner i Egypten blev hedrade långt efter sin död och fick storslagna monument uppförda i sina namn …

Hur gammal är den äldsta pyramiden?

Pyramiden är 4 600 år gammal och har restaurerats i 14 år. Det är frågan om en pyramid som byggdes under faraonen Djosers härskarperiod 2667-2648 f.Kr). Pyramiden är byggd i sex avsatser till en höjd av 60 meter och är världens äldsta kompletta byggnad uppförd i uthuggen sten.

What is Imhotep’s real name?

Pascal Perez better known by his stage name Imhotep (born in Algiers on 19 May 1960) is a DJ, mixer, beat maker, songwriter and producer. In addition to his solo work including albums Blue Print and Kheper and producing of other artists, he was one of the founding members of the Marseille rap group IAM and its sound architect.

Why is Imhotep important?

Imhotep is a famous and somewhat mysterious figure from Egyptian history. Imhotep is often credited with major advances in architecture and medicine. Although common-born, he rose to become the primary adviser to the Pharaoh and was later deified by the Egyptian people.

Where is Imhotep’s tomb?

Nevertheless, there are those who have a fascination with finding his lost tomb. Even in ancient times, it seems that the location of Imhotep’s tomb is unknown, as mentioned in an ancient Egyptian poem called The Lay of the Harper .

Why was Imhotep’s name inscribed in the tomb of King Djoser?

Djoser was so impressed with the result that he allowed Imhotep’s name to be inscribed within the tomb—something incredibly rare in Egyptian history. Secondary evidence also suggests that Imhotep was an accomplished physician.

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