
Vem skrev Cavalleria rusticana?

Vem skrev Cavalleria rusticana?

Pietro MascagniPå Sicilien / Kompositör
Cavalleria rusticana av Pietro Mascagni och Pajazzo av Ruggero Leoncavallo.

Vad betyder Cavalleria rusticana?

Titeln Cavalleria rusticana är inte lätt att översätta, det betyder ungefär ”bondeheder”, och den lilla operan har i Sverige ibland kallats På Sicilien. Ladda gärna ned konsertprogrammet här nedanför, där det finns en sammanfattning av vad som tilldrar sig i operan.

Vem skrev på Sicilien?

Giovanni Targioni-Tozzetti
Guido Menasci
På Sicilien/Librettister
På Sicilien (italienska: Cavalleria rusticana, ungefär bondeheder) är en italiensk opera i en akt i veristisk stil komponerad av Pietro Mascagni. Librettot av Giovanni Targioni-Tozzetti och Guido Menasci bygger på en novell, Cavalleria rusticana, ur novellsamlingen På Sicilien av Giovanni Verga.

Who is the author of Intermezzo de Cavalleria rusticana?

Intermezzo de ”Cavalleria rusticana” Author Mascagni, Pietro – Arranger: Spicker, Max – Publisher: New York: G. Schirmer, 1906. Subject

What is the history of Cavalleria rusticana?

In the 1907 Sonzogno competition, Domenico Monleone submitted an opera based on the story, and likewise called Cavalleria rusticana. The opera was not successful in the competition, but premiered later that year in Amsterdam and went on to a successful tour throughout Europe, ending in Turin.

How did Giuseppe Targioni-Tozzetti write Cavalleria rusticana?

Targioni-Tozzetti chose Cavalleria rusticana, a popular short story (and play) by Giovanni Verga, as the basis for the opera. He and his colleague Guido Menasci set about composing the libretto, sending it to Mascagni in fragments, sometimes only a few verses at a time on the back of a postcard.

When was the Intermezzo first used in the US?

A notable use of the Intermezzo from Cavalleria rusticana in the United States was as the theme for a regular radio broadcast, Symphony of the Rockies, which featured ”a small string group playing light classical music” in the 1930s and 1940s over Denver radio station KOA, then owned and operated by the NBC network.

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