
Vem var statsminister 91?

Vem var statsminister 91?

Regeringen Carl Bildt var en svensk koalitionsregering mellan Moderata samlingspartiet (M), Centerpartiet (C), Folkpartiet liberalerna (FP) och Kristdemokratiska samhällspartiet (KDS). Den regerade från den 4 oktober 1991 till 7 oktober 1994. Statsminister var Moderatledaren Carl Bildt.

Vilket parti styrde 1990?

Regeringen Carlsson I

Regeringen Carlsson I Sveriges regering
Ingvar Carlsson
Frånträde 27 februari 1990
Ministrar och partier
Statsminister Ingvar Carlsson

Vilka regerade 1995?

Regeringen Carlsson III var en regering i Sverige som tillträdde den 7 oktober 1994 och avgick 22 mars 1996. Under tiden mellan riksdagsvalet den 18 september och regeringens tillträde inträffade Estoniakatastrofen, den 28 september.

Who is the president of Namibia?

Namibia är indelat i 13 regioner: Caprivi, Erongo, Hardap, Karas, Kavango, Khomas, Kunene, Ohangwena, Omaheke, Omusati, Oshana, Oshikoto och Otjozondjupa . Premiärministern Hage Geingob vann presidentvalet i november 2014, och installerades som president 21 mars 2015. Han efterträdde då Hifikepunye Pohamba, som varit landets president sedan 2005.

What is the current administrative division of Namibia?

The current administrative division of Namibia is the result of the work of the Fourth Delimitation Commission, tabled in 2013. Namibia is divided into 14 regions and 121 constituencies.

What was Namibia called before it became independent?

Before its independence in 1990, the area was known first as German South-West Africa ( Deutsch-Südwestafrika ), then as South-West Africa, reflecting the colonial occupation by the Germans and the South Africans. San people are Namibia’s oldest indigenous inhabitants.

What type of government does Namibia have?

The Constitution of Namibia guarantees the separation of powers: Executive: Executive power is exercised by the President and the Government. Legislature: Namibia has a bicameral Parliament with the National Assembly as lower house, and the National Council as the upper house.

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