
What is a Fusarium?

What is a Fusarium?

Despite most species apparently being harmless (some existing on the skin as commensal members of the skin flora ), some Fusarium species and subspecific groups are among the most important fungal pathogens of plants and animals . The name of Fusarium comes from Latin fusus, meaning a spindle . The taxonomy of the genus is complex.

What is Fusarium stem canker and root rot?

Fusarium stem canker group is a soil fungus caused by six species (F. sulphureum, F. graminearum, F. lateritium, F. sambucinum, F. avenaceum and F. culmorum). Fusarium foot rot and root rot group is a soil fungus caused principally by F. solani.

What is Fusarium venenatum used for?

Use as human food. Fusarium venenatum is produced industrially for use as a human food by Marlow Foods, Ltd., and is marketed under the name Quorn in Europe and North America . Some consumers of fusarium products have shown food allergies similar in nature to peanut and other food allergies.

Is Fusarium xyrophilum dangerous to humans?

In 2021 it was discovered that Fusarium xyrophilum was able to hijack a South American species of yellow-eyed Xyris grass, creating fake flowers, fooling bees and other pollinating insects into visiting them, taking fungal spores to other plants. Some species may cause a range of opportunistic infections in humans.

What happens if you get Fusarium infection?

More seriously, Fusarium infection can result in sinusitis, pneumonia, thrombophlebitis, endophtalmitis, septic arthritis and osteomyelitis [5]. Fusarium infection can be deadly to people with weak immune systems, such as cancer patients, people suffering from HIV/AIDS or people that have undergone organ transplantation.

What are the different types of Fusarium diseases in cannabis?

Different Fusarium species produce somewhat different diseases in cannabis. These diseases, primarily Fusarium wilt and Fusarium root rot, present different symptoms but respond to similar prevention and control methods. It is not commonly found in marijuana gardens.

What does root rot look like in Fusarium?

Fusarium root rot affects the roots first, then the disease works its way up the stem. Fusarium wilt initially appears as small, dark irregular spots on lower leaves, which quickly become chlorotic (yellow-brown). Leaf tips curl upward, and wilted leaves dry and hang on plants without falling off.

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