
What is Azure SQL?

What is Azure SQL?

Azure SQL provides a quick and easy way to access all of your Azure SQL databases, elastic pools, logical servers, managed instances, and virtual machines. Azure SQL is not a service or resource.

What is the compatibility level of Azure SQL database 2019?

At the same time, Azure SQL Database gets the new default compatibility level equal to that of the SQL Server. The current default is 150 which corresponds to SQL Server 2019. Keep in mind that Microsoft does not automatically update the compatibility level for existing Azure SQL databases, it is up to customers to do that at their own discretion.

What is the default compatibility level of SQL Server 2016?

The alignment of SQL versions to default compatibility levels are as follows: 100: in SQL Server 2008 and Azure SQL Database 110: in SQL Server 2012 and Azure SQL Database 120: in SQL Server 2014 and Azure SQL Database 130: in SQL Server 2016 and Azure SQL Database 140: in SQL Server 2017 and Azure SQL Database

What is the Azure SQL database version number?

Unlike SQL Server, Azure SQL Database has a version number that hasn’t changed since 2015. The database engine version numbers for SQL Server and Azure SQL Database are not comparable with each other, and they are really internal build numbers for these separate products.

Azure SQL is a family of managed, secure, and intelligent products that use the SQL Server database engine in the Azure cloud. Azure SQL Database: Support modern cloud applications on an intelligent, managed database service, that includes serverless compute.

Is Azure SQL a PaaS?

Categorized as a platform as a service (PaaS), Azure SQL Databases are built on standardized hardware and software that is owned, hosted, and maintained by Microsoft. When using Azure SQL Database, you pay-as-you-go, with the option to scale up or out with no service interruption.

What are the deployment options for Azure SQL database?

Azure SQL Database offers the following deployment options: As a single database with its own set of resources managed via a logical SQL server. A single database is similar to a contained database in SQL Server.

What is the SLA for Azure SQL database?

For many IT departments, meeting up-time obligations of a service-level agreement (SLA) is a top priority. In this section, we look at what SLA applies to each database hosting option. For both Azure SQL Database and Azure SQL Managed Instance, Microsoft provides an availability SLA of 99.99%.

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