
Who is Chester Arthur?

Who is Chester Arthur?

Chester Alan Arthur (October 5, 1829 – November 18, 1886) was an American lawyer and politician who served as the 21st president of the United States from 1881 to 1885.

What happened to Chester A Arthur’s townhouse?

Arthur’s townhouse, the Chester A. Arthur Home was sold to William Randolph Hearst. Since 1944 it has been the location of Kalustyan’s Spice Emporium. ^ Arthur was Vice President under James A. Garfield and became President upon Garfield’s death on September 19, 1881.

What is the JSTOR number for Chester Alan Arthur papers?

JSTOR 2150708. Reeves, Thomas C. (Summer 1972). ”The Search for the Chester Alan Arthur Papers”. The Wisconsin Magazine of History. 55 (4): 310–319. JSTOR 4634741. Reeves, Thomas C. (July 1, 1970).

What happened to Chester Alan Arthur’s papers?

^ A small number of Arthur’s papers survived and passed to his grandson, Gavin Arthur (born Chester Alan Arthur III), who allowed Arthur’s biographer, Thomas C. Reeves, to examine them in the 1970s. ^ On his grave marker, his birth year is incorrectly given as 1830.

What is the statue on King Arthur’s grave?

In 1889, a monument was placed on Arthur’s burial plot by sculptor Ephraim Keyser of New York, consisting of a giant bronze female angel figure placing a bronze palm leaf on a granite sarcophagus.

Why did Chester Arthur accept the Vice President’s office?

When Republican presidential candidate James A. Garfield of Ohio approached him with the offer of the vice presidency because he desperately needed a New Yorker on the ticket, Arthur accepted it as vindication for the humiliation he had suffered at Hayes’ hand. 2 The thought of Chester Arthur as president of the United States shocked many.

Which is the best book on Chester Arthur’s presidency?

5. The most detailed study of Arthur’s term in office is Justus Doenecke, The Presidencies of James A. Garfield and Chester A. Arthur (Lawrence: University of Kansas Press, 1981). 6. Conkling wanted to be secretary of the treasury, a position that would have placed the New York customs house in his domain.

When did Chester Arthur serve as vice president?

Public Offices: President of the United States (1881 – 1885); Vice President of the United States (March 4, 1881- September 19, 1881); 21 st Collector of the Port of New York (1871 – 1878) The following contains the seven major accomplishments of President Chester A. Arthur:

What are some good books about the Chester Arthur Case?

Schwartz, Sybil (Autumn 1978). ”In Defense of Chester Arthur”. The Wilson Quarterly. 2 (4): 180–184. JSTOR 40255548. Stuart, Paul (September 1977). ”United States Indian Policy: From the Dawes Act to the American Indian Policy Review Commission”.

What happened to Chester Arthur’s wife Nell?

Nell Arthur died of pneumonia at age 42, less than two years before her husband became president. In the White House, Chester Arthur’s sister Mary McElroy (1841-1917) often took on the role of hostess for social functions. Chester Arthur began his legal career in New York City and as a young attorney won several high-profile civil rights cases.

When was Chester Arthur sworn in as president?

President Chester A. Arthur was inaugurated on September 19, 1881, and his final day as President was March 4, 1885. During his time as America’s twenty-first President, Arthur opposed the spoils system he had previously supported in New York.

Why did Chester Arthur join the military?

Before becoming President of the United States of America, Chester A. Arthur was a teacher, military soldier, attorney, state politician, and Vice President to President James Garfield. Chester Arthur initially joined the military for political connections and friendships.

What did Chester Arthur look like?

Dignified, tall, and handsome, with clean-shaven chin and side-whiskers, Chester A. Arthur “looked like a President.” The son of a Baptist preacher who had emigrated from northern Ireland, Arthur was born in Fairfield, Vermont, in 1829.

Did you know Chester Arthur was born in Vermont?

Chester Alan Arthur was born on October 5, 1829, in Fairfield, Vermont. His Baptist minister father, William Arthur, hailed from Ireland, and his mother, Malvina Stone Arthur, was from Vermont. During Chester Arthur’s childhood, his family moved around Vermont and upstate New York for his father’s work. Did you know?

What happened to Chester Arthur after he left the presidency?

On the fourth ballot at the convention, he lost the Republican nomination to his former secretary of state, James G. Blaine. Arthur tried to resume the practice of law after leaving the presidency, but his ill health prevented him from doing much work.

What did the New York World say about Arthur’s presidency?

The New York World summed up Arthur’s presidency at his death in 1886: ”No duty was neglected in his administration, and no adventurous project alarmed the nation.” Mark Twain wrote of him, ”It would be hard indeed to better President Arthur’s administration.”

Who was the 21st President?

Chester A. Arthur was the 21st president of the United States. He served as vice president at the time President James Garfield was assassinated, and acceded to the presidency thereafter. Chester A. Arthur was born on October 5, 1829, in North Fairfield, Vermont.

When did Chester Arthur become president?

Presidency of Chester A. Arthur. Jump to navigation Jump to search. The presidency of Chester A. Arthur began on September 19, 1881, when Arthur became the 21st President of the United States upon the assassination and death of President James A. Garfield, and ended on March 4, 1885.

What happened to James A Arthur after he became president?

In ill health and lacking the full support of his party by the end of his term, Arthur made only a token effort for the Republican presidential nomination in the 1884 presidential election. He was succeeded by Democrat Grover Cleveland .

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