
Nar regerade Hatschepsut?

När regerade Hatschepsut?

Farao Hatshepsut styrde Egypten 1479-1457 f.Kr. Det var Thutmosis III, hennes mäktige arvtagare, som lät rensa ut alla minnen av kvinnan som varit hans svärmor.

Who is Thutmose II?

… (Show more) Thutmose II, (flourished 2nd millennium bce ), 18th-dynasty king (reigned c. 1482–79 bce) of ancient Egypt who suppressed a revolt in Nubia, Egypt’s territory to the south, and also sent a punitive expedition to Palestine against some Bedouins.

What is the meaning of Thutmose?

Thutmose means “born of Thoth”. Thoth was the god of scribes and considered to be the heart and tongue of Ra. Thoth is one of the most important deities of ancient Egypt. Thutmose II’s Family Tree

How long did Thutmose II rule Egypt?

For instance, there were researchers who claimed that Thutmose II reigned for 13 years, although newer scholars believed he only ruled for 3 to 4 years. Because of a lack in the number of monuments and scarabs made under Thutmose II. ‘Aakheperenre, the praenomen of Thutmose II, Temple of Hatshepsut, Luxor.’

What did Thutmose look like when he died?

The state of Thutmose II’s mummy revealed that he was a weakman. His thin body was shrunken and appeared to lack muscle. His skull was bald in patches. These conditions in addition to the condition of his skin were likely due to a disease that killed him. Thutmose II Facts

When was Thutmose II born?

Written By: Thutmose II, (flourished 2nd millennium bce), 18th-dynasty king (reigned c. 1482–79 bce) of ancient Egypt who suppressed a revolt in Nubia, Egypt’s territory to the south, and also sent a punitive expedition to Palestine against some Bedouins. Thutmose was born to Thutmose I, his predecessor, by one of his secondary queens, Mutnofret.

What happened to Thutmose II’s body?

It had been severely damaged after his death by ancient tomb robbers. Thutmose II’s face and the shape of his head resembled Thutmose I’s very closely, indicating that he was the king’s son. Thutmose II died in his early 30’s. He had a skin disease that could not be covered by the act of embalming.

How did Thutmose become the heir to the throne?

Thutmose II was born to Thutmose I and a secondary wife, Mutnofret. Thutmose II’s older brothers, Wadjmose and Amenmose, died before they could ascend to their father’s (Thutmose I’s) throne. This made Thutmose II the heir.

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