
Vad ar Iras mal?

Vad är Iras mål?

Det ursprungliga IRA hette från början Irish Volunteers och grundades 1913 med målet att ”säkra och upprätthålla Irlands befolknings rättigheter och friheter” (”to secure and maintain the rights and liberties common to the whole people of Ireland”).

Vad är egentligen påskupproret som inträffade 2005?

Påskupproret inleddes med att Padraig Pearse med 1 600 upprorsmän tog kontroll över centrala Dublin. Efter en veckas strider som resulterade i 450 döda och 2 600 sårade slog britterna ner upproret. Det brutala sätt som britterna slog ner upproret på bidrog till att vända opinionen emot England.

What happened to the General Post Office in Dublin?

During the Easter Rising of 1916, the Dublin General Post Office served as the headquarters of the uprising’s leaders. However, It was from outside this building on the 24th of April 1916, that Patrick Pearse read out the Proclamation of the Irish Republic. The building, destroyed in a fire in the course of the rebellion.

Where was the first post office in Ireland?

The General Post Office in Ireland was first located in High Street in Dublin moving to Fishamble Street in 1689. Afterwards, to Sycamore Alley in 1709. Then in 1755 to Bardin’s Chocolate House on the site where the Commercial Buildings used to be (now the Central Bank building) off Dame Street.

What is the history of the GPO in Dublin?

On 6 January 1818, the new post-office in Sackville Street (now O’Connell Street) was opened for business. During the Easter Rising of 1916, the GPO served as the headquarters of the uprising’s leaders. It was from outside this building on the 24th of April 1916, that Patrick Pearse read out the Proclamation of the Irish Republic.

How do you spell the Irish name of the post office?

A sign on the external wall of the General Post Office, with the building’s name ( Irish: Árd-Oifig an Phuist) in traditional Gaelic script and using an older spelling that predates Irish orthography reforms of the 1960s.

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