
Hur ar en 12 aring?

Hur är en 12 åring?

I 11-12-årsåldern blir barnet ofta oroligare till både kropp och själ. Blir kanske mer provocerande och avståndstagande hemma. Det är en period som kan präglas av osäkerhet, förvirring och häftiga humörväxlingar. 11-12-åringen kan vara mycket trevlig, men bara när den själv vill.

Who are the Tweenies and what do they do?

The Tweenies are the main characters of the TV show, Tweenies. They are four troublemakers who love to sing, play and listen to stories. They all attend the same playgroup where they play with each other. The Tweenies include the following: Bella, the blue tallest bossy Tweenie. Milo, the purple energetic Tweenie. Fizz, the yellow bubbly Tweenie.

What is the name of the oldest Tweenie?

Bella is a character from the Tweenies. Her hair yellow, and she wears a red bow. Her skin colour is blue and her age is not stated but she is the oldest Tweenie. Her favourite colour is red and she is bossy and a bit of a tomboy. ”I’m Bella.” ”URGH!” Her gran is both mentioned and seen multiple times.

What is Tweeny’s favourite colour?

Her favourite colour is purple. At first, her antics were not to the Tweenies liking, more so Jake but she has since calmed down and settled in. The girls often like to dress her up in fancy stuff. She is also a companion for Doodles.

What are the names of the Tweenies in the Outsiders?

Main characters. The Tweenies consist of Bella, Milo, Fizz, Jake, Doodles, Izzles, Max, Judy, and are sometimes joined by Max’s sister Polly.

Vad får en 12 åring göra?

Till exempel rensa i trädgården eller plocka frukt. Du får öppna eget konto på sociala medier som Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram och KiK. Det är regler som sociala medier-företagen har men det föreslås också bli lag i Sverige.

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