
Vad ar Wallet och Apple Pay?

Vad är Wallet och Apple Pay?

Du måste använda Apple Wallet-appen för att ställa in Apple Pay på din iPhone eller iPad. Apple Wallet lagrar sedan dina kreditkort och betalkort och hämtar data när du autentiserar Apple Pay för att betala för varor. Öppna Wallet på din iPhone. På din iPad går du till Inställningar > Plånbok och Apple Pay.

What is GSA SmartPay®?

GSA SmartPay® is the world’s largest government charge card program, with 3.4 Million accounts across 560 customer agencies, organizations, and Native American tribal governments. Since program inception in 1998, GSA SmartPay has enabled $488 Billion in total spend through 1.67 Billion transactions, generating over $3.67 Billion in agency refunds.

When and where is the GSA SmartPay training forum?

This year’s GSA SmartPay Training Forum will be held virtually and is set to take place August 2-4, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:40 p.m. ET each day. We invite you to join us for the virtual forum, which serves as the premier training event for charge card program managers.

When is the 2021 GSA SmartPay Virtual Training Forum?

This year’s GSA SmartPay Training Forum will be held virtually from July 20-22, 2021! Whether you are brand new to the program or a seasoned professional, the GSA SmartPay Virtual Training Forum continues to be the premier training event for charge card program managers. Registration for the 2021 GSA SmartPay Virtual Training Forum is now open.

What does it take to be a program coordinator for smartpay3?

Citibank and U.S. Bank were awarded contracts for GSA SmartPay3 . As a Program Coordinator, you will need to: Coordinate IT resources and system testing to be sure the SP3 contractor’s system “talks” to the agency’s system Work with others in their agencies (e.g., finance, contracting, IT) to determine needs and develop requirements

Varför använda Apple Pay?

Du kan använda Apple Pay överallt där någon av dessa symboler visas. Tänk på att kortet måste vara öppet för kontaktlösa köp. Om du aldrig har blippat med Apple Pay kan du enkelt ställa in det. Öppna appen Wallet/plånbok i din iPhone, tryck på plustecknet i högra hörnet och följ de enkla anvisningarna.

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